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"Paratrike Wheels"

Click here for an enlargement of this imageParatrike Wheels mount onto your backpack easily and allow you to fly with less hassle, and twice the quality. We feel your use of the Paratrike Wheels will be supremely superior to foot launching. People from around the country are raving how suddenly they are enjoying flight without stress and headaches of difficult foot launching.

They are also much safer!

Please read on and discover how your enjoyment of a great sport can be accelerated into the stratosphere!


We feel that foot launching is greatly over-rated and over simplified and with promotional videos only ever showing the very best takeoffs.


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Injuries are not fun, and you should do everything in your power to avoid them. Paratrike offers substantially more protection because you land on wheels that provide shock absorption.

Paratrike can easily absorb even the highest impacts. You can land downwind, crosswind or into the wind, no problem, like a plane. These landings are not possible on a foot-launched machine. Often, wind direction changes during your flight and foot-launchers are in trouble. Paratrike owners have no worries! The Paratrike is becoming a very popular addition to most flying machines.


Click here for an enlargement of this imageThe benefits are vast. Adding Paratrike Wheels to your motor allows you to use a "REAL" paragliding harness and that lets you to fly in a "laid-back position" for maximum comfort like in Paragliding. Since you don't have to lift the motor with your back, (and therefore have your harness attached to the bottom of the frame) the straight up-uncomfortable position is eliminated. Three-hour flights are a breeze when you replace your old LaMouette or Paramotor harness with a "real" paragliding harness made for comfort!


The wheels allow the Paratrike to be rolled or even driven to and from the launch site with the canopy in your lap. No more walking to the end of the field. You can actually drive several miles in total comfort using the finger throttle.

We all know that no wind flying is the best situation and foot launching is most difficult under these conditions. "No wind" take-offs are a snap because the unit can roll much faster than you can run.

Your motor needs only a few yards to get airborne. Since you can "roll" much faster than you can "run" it usually less than 10-15 short yards to adequately launch you into the air. You simply sit into the harness, buckle up and give it the gas for an easy stress-free lift off. Paratrike makes your flying an easy fun filled event instead of a dreadful stress-filled nightmare. If you want to end the stress, stop breaking props and injuring yourself or bending cages, then Paratrike Wheels are for you.


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